The Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana)

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, dengan ketentuan:

  1. I (Singular Noun) --> am/am not
  2. He, She, it, Nisfie, The man, The woman (Singular Noun) --> is/is not (isn't)
  3. You, We, They, The men, The Women (Plural Noun) --> are/are not (aren't)

Study the patterns of these sentences:
  • She is a student   
  • She is not a student
  • Is she a student? (+?) --> Yes she is/No she is not
  • Isn't she student? (-?)
  • What is she? (Apa pekerjaan dia) --> She is a student

  • They are students
  • The aren't students
  • Are they students? --> Yes they are/No they aren't
  • Aren't they students?
  • What are they? (Apa pekerjaan mereka) --> They are students

  • Nisfie's bag is white
  • Nisfie's bag isn't white
  • Is Nisfie's bag white?
  • Isn't Nisfie's bag white?

  • Ibnu's bags are white
  • Ibnu's bags aren't white
  • Are Ibnu's bags white?
  • Aren't Ibnu's bags white?

  • I'am busy
  • We are busy

  • She is there
  • They are there

  • Your book is on the table
  • Your books are on the table

  • This is hers
  • These are hers

  • That is mine
  • Those are mine

  • This box is his
  • These boxes are his

  • That car is Ibnu's
  • Those cars are Ibnu's


This, It, These, That dan Those yang tidak diikuti dengan kata benda dalam kalimat dinamakan "Kata ganti petunjuk". Dan dalam bahasa inggris yang bersifat percakapan, Subyek+ To Be seringkali disingkat. 

I am --> I'm
He is --> He's
She is --> She's
They are -->  They're
You are --> You're
We are --> We're
It is --> It's

Bentuk pertanyaan negatif dibentuk dengan meletakkan NOT setelah subyek dari bentuk pertanyaan positif atau dengan meletakkan singkatan kata kerja (To Be)+ NOT sebelum subyek.

  • Is he not there? (Apakah dia tidak disana)
  • Is not (isn't) he there? (Tidakkah dia disana)

  • Is he not a teacher? (Apakah dia bukan seorang guru)
  • Isn't he a teacher? (Bukankah dia seorang guru)

  • Are they not responsible? (Apakah mereka tidak bertanggung jawab)
  • Are not (aren't) they responsible? (Tidakkah mereka bertanggung jawab)

Disamping dalam bentuk pertanyaan yang sebenarnya, pertanyaan negatif dapat juga memberi kesan bahwa pembicara mengharapkan jawaban setuju.

Pola To Be dalam kalimat yang subyeknya mengikuti kata kerja (To Be) berbeda dengan pola-pola yang telah dipelajari di atas. Ini adalah suatu pengecualian terhadap susunan yang biasa yaitu Subyek+To Be.

Study The Following Statements:

  • There is a cat there (Ada seekor kucing di sana)
  • There isn't a cat there (Tidak ada seekor kucing di sana)
  • Is there a cat there? (Apakah ada seekor kucing di sana?
  • Isn't there a cat there? 
  • Yes, there is (Ya, ada)
  • No, there isn't (Tidak, tidak ada)

  • There are two cats there
  • There aren't two cats there
  • Are there two cats there?
  • Aren't there two cats there?
  • Yes, There are
  • No, There Aren't

Bentuk To Be dalam pernyataan perintah dan permohonan adalah "Be" dan letaknya pada umumnya di depan kata benda, kata sifat atau kata keterangan.

Be Happy ===== Don't be happy
Be angry ===== Don't be angry
Be Here ====== Don't be Here
Be on the table ===== Don't be on the table
Be a girl ====== Don't be a girl

Please be happy ====== Be happy, please
Please be angry ======= Be angry, please
Let us (let's) be happy 
Let's be there
Will you be there?(Maukah kamu di sana)
Won't you be there? (Tidak maukah kamu di sana)

Letak To Be dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata-kata pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan Wh (Wh-words) dan pemakaian kata-kata pertanyaan adalah:


1. What+To Be


Jawaban-jawaban terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata-kata pertanyaan tidak boleh dalam jenis jawaban Yes atau No. Jawaban harus sesuai dengan apa yang kata-kata pertanyakan tanyakan. Jawaban boleh panjang atau pendek. Jawaban pendek bisa jadi satu kata atau sekelompok kata.

  • What is this?
  • This is an apple
  • That is an apple
  • Apple

  • What are these?
  • These are watermelons
  • Those are watermelons
  • Watermelons

2. What+Noun+To Be (

  • What book is this? (Buku apa ini)
  • What book is that?
  • What book is it?

  • What books are these? (Buku-buku apa ini)
  • What books are those?
  • What books are there?

  • What book is on the table?
  • This is English book
  • That is English book
  • It is English book
  • English book

  • What books are on the table?
  • There are English books
  • Those are English books
  • They are English books
  • English books

  • What colour is your car?
  • The colour of my car is white
  • Its white
  • White

  • What colour are your cars?
  • The colour of mine are white and black
  • They are white and black
  • White and black

What time is it = What's the time? (Jam berapa sekarang)

  • It's seven o'clock (Sekarang jam tujuh)
  • It's seven o'clock sharp (Sekarang jam tujuh tepat)
  • It's exactly seven (tepat)
  • It's seven
  • Seven
  • Past (lewat)
  • After (lewat)
  • Before (kurang)
  • To (kurang)
  • Almost (hampir)

  • It's ten minutes past seven= it's ten minutes after seven
  • Ten minutes past seven = Ten minutes after seven
  • (Sekarang jam tujuh lewat 10 menit)


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Biologi Reproduksi: Siklus Estrus Hewan Mamalia (Teori dan Praktikum)

Darah: Produksi Sel Darah Merah