TENSES: The Simple Present Tense

Tenses (Bentuk waktu) menunjukkan kepada bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan, misalnya: 
  1. He eats (waktu sekarang sederhana) ---> Simple present tense
  2. He ate (waktu lampung sederhana) ---> Simple past tense
  3. He eaten (waktu selesai sekarang) ---> Present perfect tense
Pada dasarnya terdapat empat bentuk waktu, yakni: (1) present tense (waktu sekarang); (2) Past tense (waku lampau); (3) future tense (waktu yang akan datang); (4) past future tense (waktu yang akan datang lampau)

1. The simple present tense (Waktu sekarang sederhana)

A. I, You, We, They, The men (Plural Noun)+Do/Do not+V1+Object+(adverb)

B. He, She, Nisfie, Ibnu (Singular Noun)+Does/Does not V1 (s/es)+ Object+(adverb)

  1. Every Morning
  2. Every afternoon
  3. Every evening
  4. Every day
  5. Every friday
  6. Every week
  7. Every month
  8. Every year
  9. Once a day
  10. Once a week
  11. Twice a week
  12. Twice a month
  13. Four times a year
  14. On Saturday
  1. Bentuk waktu sekarang (Simple Present Tense) dari semua kata kerja (verb) kecuali to be didasarkan pada bentuk sederhana (infinitif tanpa to)
  2. Kata kerja (Verb) dan subyek tunggal orang ketiga (The third person singular subjects) (He, She, Nisfie, His Friend, it, etc) dibentuk dengan menambah s/es kepada bentuk sederhananya. 
  3. "es" ditambahkan pada:
    • The simple form that end in letter s, ss, sh, ch, x, z, or o that's preceded by consonant (didahului konsonan)
      • Cross ---> Crosses (Menyeberangi)
      • Teach ---> Teaches (Mengajar)
      • Wash ---> Washes (Mencuci)
      • Go ---> Goes (Pergi)
      • Do ---> Does (Melakukan)
      • Box ---> Boxes (Memasukkan ke dalam kotak)
    • The simple forms that end in "y" which is preceded by consonant, the "es", is added after changing "y" into "i"
      • Cry ---> Cries (menangis)
      • Dry ---> Dries (Menjemur/Mengeringkan)
      • Fry ---> Fries (Menggoreng)
      • Hurry ---> Hurries (Menyegerakan/tergesa-gesa)
      • Fly ---> Flies (Menerbangkan/Terbang)
      • Spy ---> Spies (Melihat)
      • Study ---> Studies (Belajar)
      • Try ---> Tries (Mencoba)                                                                                  
    • However, the simple forms that end in "y" which is not preceded by a consonant ("y" is preceded by a vowel), the "s" is added without changing "y" in to "i"
      • Say ---> says (Mengatakan/berkata)
      • Play ---> Plays (Bermain)
      • Pray ---> Prays (Berdoa)
    • The "s" is added to the simple form of all other verb, excep/have 
      • Abduct ---> Abducts (Menculik)
      • Come ---> Comes (Datang)
      • Read ---> Reads (Membaca)
      • Listen ---> Listens (Mendengarkan)
      • Hear---> Hears (Mendengarkan)
      • Sit ---> Sits (Duduk)
      • Seat ---> Seats (Mendudukn)
      • Speak ---> Speaks (Berbicara)
      • Sing ---> Sings (Menyanyi)
      • Tetapi untuk Have ---> Has
    • Kata keterangan kekerapan tak terterntu dalam waktu sekarang sederhana (Adverb of indefinite frequency in the simple present tense):
      • Always (selalu)
      • Regularly (secara teratur)
      • Steaily (terus menerus)
      • Often (seringkali)
      • Oftentimes (seringkali)
      • As a rule (biasanya)
      • Generally (biasanya)
      • Normaly (biasanya)
      • Now and again (kadang-kadang)
      • Now and then (kadang-kadang)
      • On and off (kadang-kadang)
      • Once in a while (kadang-kadang)
      • Occasionally (kadang-kadang)
      • Sometimes (kadang-kadang)
      • Seldome (Kadang-kadang)
      • Usually (biasanya)
      • Every now and then=now and then

Study the Following Sentences:
  • You teach biology
  • You dont teach biology
  • Do you teach biology? (Yes, I do/No, I don't)
  • Don't you teach biology? 
  • He teaches biology 
  • He doesn't teach biology 
  • Does he teach biology? (Yes, he does/No, he doesn't) 
  • Doesn't he teach biology?

  • I do it by myself
  • I don't by myself
  • Do I do it by myself?
  • Don't I do it by myself?
  • He does it by himself
  • He doesn't it by himself
  • Does he it by himself?
  • Doesn't he it by himself?

  • They go to Bandung
  • They don't go to Bandung
  • Do they go to Bandung?
  • Don't they go to Bandung?
  • Her mother goes to Bandung
  • Her mother doesn't go to Bandung
  • Does her mother go to Bandung?
  • Doesn't her mother go to Bandung?

  • Rini and Dwi cry
  • Rini and Dwi on't cry
  • Do Rini and Dwi cry?
  • Don't Rini and Dwi cry?
  • Nisfie cries every night
  • Nisfie doesn't cry every night
  • Does Nisfie cry every night?
  • Doesn't Nisfie cry every night?

  • The children play here
  • The children don't play here
  • Do the children play here?
  • Don't the children play here?
  • Via plays here every morning
  • Via doesn't play here every morning
  • Does Via play here every morning?
  • Doen't Via play here every morning?

  • The women come here often (wanita-wanita itu)
  • The women don't come here often
  • Do the women come here often?
  • Don't the women come here often?
  • The woman comes here often (wanita itu)
  • The woman doesn't come here often
  • Does the woman come here often?
  • Doesn't the woman come here often?

  • They pray at the mosque
  • They don't pray at the mosque
  • Do they pray at the mosque?
  • Don't they pray at the mosque?
  • He reads Al-Quran
  • He doesn't read Al-Quran
  • Does he read Al-Quran?
  • Doesn't he read Al-Quran?

  • The boys admit their guilt
  • The boys don't admit their guilt
  • Do the boy admit their guilt?
  • Don't the boy admit their guilt?
  • She admits her guilt
  • She doesn't admit her guilt
  • Does she admit her guilt?
  • Doesn't she admit her guilt?


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Biologi Reproduksi: Siklus Estrus Hewan Mamalia (Teori dan Praktikum)

Darah: Produksi Sel Darah Merah