TENSES: The Simple Present Tense
Tenses (Bentuk waktu) menunjukkan kepada bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan, misalnya:
- He eats (waktu sekarang sederhana) ---> Simple present tense
- He ate (waktu lampung sederhana) ---> Simple past tense
- He eaten (waktu selesai sekarang) ---> Present perfect tense
Pada dasarnya terdapat empat bentuk waktu, yakni: (1) present tense (waktu sekarang); (2) Past tense (waku lampau); (3) future tense (waktu yang akan datang); (4) past future tense (waktu yang akan datang lampau)
1. The simple present tense (Waktu sekarang sederhana)
A. I, You, We, They, The men (Plural Noun)+Do/Do not+V1+Object+(adverb)
B. He, She, Nisfie, Ibnu (Singular Noun)+Does/Does not V1 (s/es)+ Object+(adverb)
- Every Morning
- Every afternoon
- Every evening
- Every day
- Every friday
- Every week
- Every month
- Every year
- Once a day
- Once a week
- Twice a week
- Twice a month
- Four times a year
- On Saturday
- Bentuk waktu sekarang (Simple Present Tense) dari semua kata kerja (verb) kecuali to be didasarkan pada bentuk sederhana (infinitif tanpa to)
- Kata kerja (Verb) dan subyek tunggal orang ketiga (The third person singular subjects) (He, She, Nisfie, His Friend, it, etc) dibentuk dengan menambah s/es kepada bentuk sederhananya.
- "es" ditambahkan pada:
- The simple form that end in letter s, ss, sh, ch, x, z, or o that's preceded by consonant (didahului konsonan)
- Cross ---> Crosses (Menyeberangi)
- Teach ---> Teaches (Mengajar)
- Wash ---> Washes (Mencuci)
- Go ---> Goes (Pergi)
- Do ---> Does (Melakukan)
- Box ---> Boxes (Memasukkan ke dalam kotak)
- The simple forms that end in "y" which is preceded by consonant, the "es", is added after changing "y" into "i"
- Cry ---> Cries (menangis)
- Dry ---> Dries (Menjemur/Mengeringkan)
- Fry ---> Fries (Menggoreng)
- Hurry ---> Hurries (Menyegerakan/tergesa-gesa)
- Fly ---> Flies (Menerbangkan/Terbang)
- Spy ---> Spies (Melihat)
- Study ---> Studies (Belajar)
- Try ---> Tries (Mencoba)
- However, the simple forms that end in "y" which is not preceded by a consonant ("y" is preceded by a vowel), the "s" is added without changing "y" in to "i"
- Say ---> says (Mengatakan/berkata)
- Play ---> Plays (Bermain)
- Pray ---> Prays (Berdoa)
- The "s" is added to the simple form of all other verb, excep/have
- Abduct ---> Abducts (Menculik)
- Come ---> Comes (Datang)
- Read ---> Reads (Membaca)
- Listen ---> Listens (Mendengarkan)
- Hear---> Hears (Mendengarkan)
- Sit ---> Sits (Duduk)
- Seat ---> Seats (Mendudukn)
- Speak ---> Speaks (Berbicara)
- Sing ---> Sings (Menyanyi)
- Tetapi untuk Have ---> Has
- Kata keterangan kekerapan tak terterntu dalam waktu sekarang sederhana (Adverb of indefinite frequency in the simple present tense):
- Always (selalu)
- Regularly (secara teratur)
- Steaily (terus menerus)
- Often (seringkali)
- Oftentimes (seringkali)
- As a rule (biasanya)
- Generally (biasanya)
- Normaly (biasanya)
- Now and again (kadang-kadang)
- Now and then (kadang-kadang)
- On and off (kadang-kadang)
- Once in a while (kadang-kadang)
- Occasionally (kadang-kadang)
- Sometimes (kadang-kadang)
- Seldome (Kadang-kadang)
- Usually (biasanya)
- Every now and then=now and then
Study the Following Sentences:
- You teach biology
- You dont teach biology
- Do you teach biology? (Yes, I do/No, I don't)
- Don't you teach biology?
- He teaches biology
- He doesn't teach biology
- Does he teach biology? (Yes, he does/No, he doesn't)
- Doesn't he teach biology?
- I do it by myself
- I don't by myself
- Do I do it by myself?
- Don't I do it by myself?
- He does it by himself
- He doesn't it by himself
- Does he it by himself?
- Doesn't he it by himself?
- They go to Bandung
- They don't go to Bandung
- Do they go to Bandung?
- Don't they go to Bandung?
- Her mother goes to Bandung
- Her mother doesn't go to Bandung
- Does her mother go to Bandung?
- Doesn't her mother go to Bandung?
- Rini and Dwi cry
- Rini and Dwi on't cry
- Do Rini and Dwi cry?
- Don't Rini and Dwi cry?
- Nisfie cries every night
- Nisfie doesn't cry every night
- Does Nisfie cry every night?
- Doesn't Nisfie cry every night?
- The children play here
- The children don't play here
- Do the children play here?
- Don't the children play here?
- Via plays here every morning
- Via doesn't play here every morning
- Does Via play here every morning?
- Doen't Via play here every morning?
- The women come here often (wanita-wanita itu)
- The women don't come here often
- Do the women come here often?
- Don't the women come here often?
- The woman comes here often (wanita itu)
- The woman doesn't come here often
- Does the woman come here often?
- Doesn't the woman come here often?
- They pray at the mosque
- They don't pray at the mosque
- Do they pray at the mosque?
- Don't they pray at the mosque?
- He reads Al-Quran
- He doesn't read Al-Quran
- Does he read Al-Quran?
- Doesn't he read Al-Quran?
- The boys admit their guilt
- The boys don't admit their guilt
- Do the boy admit their guilt?
- Don't the boy admit their guilt?
- She admits her guilt
- She doesn't admit her guilt
- Does she admit her guilt?
- Doesn't she admit her guilt?
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